Are you looking for a Facilitator, Speaker, Educator or Trainer ? I Do That !
Face 2 face, virtual or hybrid training are all available.
“A community is a group of people who share something in common.”
How well is your team working together? Do you want to develop a stronger team, increase productivity or create a project plan? Mitchell brings UNITY to your community.
He works with all groups and ages- from non-profit boards to executive teams, youth-adult partnerships to staff leadership, student led groups to emergency response teams, participants will leave with a product, plan or a purpose!
Listen to the PTTC Podcast– “Building the Prevention Workforce of Tomorrow”.
How do you build or strengthen your community? Contact Mitchell Moore…
Mitchell can help your CommUNITY:
- Discover members strengths & weaknesses
- Build trust, Resolve conflict
- Create a realistic work plan
- Commit to and hold members accountable for results
Specific retreats include:
- Annual strategic plan
- Leadership development
- Staff development
- Team development
- Project planning
“Build a community so strong that anyone who sees it does not know who the leader is.”

Where are YOU in community?
Congratulations !
2019 Texas Prevention Specialist of the Year
Mitchell Moore was awarded the 2019 Prevention Specialist of the Year by the Texas Association of Addiction Professionals.
Read Mitchell’s Acceptance Speech
How can I serve you today?